Twin Cities Music Highlights

Twin Cities Music Venues

Listing the hundreds of live music venues that operated in the Twin Cities from the 19th Century to 1974 may be an impossible task, but it’s great fun! If you have any to add or corrections to make, please contact me. I also appreciate any personal stories!

Listings (below) are mostly in alphabetical order; if there were multiple venues at one location, I’ve put them on one page and they’re listed at the location in chronological order.  If you know what you are looking for, you can use the search in the menu bar.


When I cite Stebbins, I am referring to a Ph.D. thesis written by Robert A. Stebbins in 1964 The Jazz Community: The Sociology of a Musical Sub-Culture. See the section on Sources on this Home Page.

Many of these photos and information come from the folks on Facebook. I try to get permission to quote people and give credit on the photos. If I’ve grabbed one of your photos and not given you credit, please let me know!

I have BOXES of additional information and hundreds of additional photos to insert, so watch this space!

Also, hotels are not listed under “H” but under their other name, thus Nicollet Hotel, not Hotel Nicollet.


Shows at these venues are ONLY listed on their Venue page, not on the Events page: