Town House Restaurant
The Town House Restaurant was located at 1415 University Ave., St. Paul.
This building was built in 1924 and is still there. Chat on Facebook reveals that Russian-born architect Werner Wittkamp remodeled the building in the 1940s.
The photos below, from the St. Paul Pioneer Press, are from 1952.

At one time it was owned by Pat and Veronica McLean and managed by son Bob.
Clark Armstead (of Clark’s Submarines) owned it from the early 1960s to 1968.
In an article about R&B, Allan Holbert mentioned the Town House as a venue to hear it, along with King Solomon’s Mines and the Cozy Bar. (Minneapolis Tribune, December 3, 1967)
Emmet Jewel bought it in 1968 and sold it in 1985, just before he passed away.
Holly Monnett managed it for many years and bought it from Jewell in 1985. It has been a gay bar for years.
Monnett sold it to Wes Burdine, and in August 2018 Burdine opened it as the Black Hart.