Twin Cities Music Highlights

Ritz Hotel

Ritz Hotel, 122-130 Washington Ave. So., Minneapolis. Built in 1925. The ad below is from October 21, 1932. At the Spanish Village a 7-course steak or chicken dinner could be had for $1. The place also had private bungalows for parties.






By 1952 the hotel was called the Minnesotan and the Manager was Aaron Robushin.
The address was listed as 324 – 2nd Ave. So. Venues included:

  • South Seas Bar
  • Panther Room. In 1952 Robushin wanted to turn this into a Hawaiian-themed room, but the Nicollet Hotel beat him to it. Or was the South Seas Bar his Hawaiian room? A 1952 performer in the Panther Room (love that name!) was Weela Gallez, who purveyed the “spiciest humor in town.”


pantherroom minnesotan




The hotel was demolished in 1963.