Twin Cities Music Highlights

Red Feather Nite Club

The Red Feather Nite Club was located at 665 University Ave. in St. Paul.

It was there as early as 1954, evidenced by the photo below which was posted on Facebook by the Eoin McKiernan Library.  The photo was from an event in 1954 honoring Twin Cities Irish American Club members who had served in the US military, and was donated by former club member Patricia Mahoney Dee. 

Pictured are:  Joe Dowling, Martin Casey, Master of Ceremonies Paddy Hill, Pat Conroy, Club President Mary McGing, Denis Dee (Pat’s husband), Cornelius “Con” Sullivan (Pat’s cousin), Tom Malone, Stanley Jett (friend of Denis Dee’s visiting from Maryland), Martin McHugh, and Michael Sullivan (Con’s brother).


In February 1958 there was an item about an opening with C.V. Williams and his band.

The following two images of the Red Feather’s menu come from the Minnesota Historical Society:

Image courtesy Minnesota Historical Society


Image courtesy Minnesota Historical Society