Twin Cities Music Highlights

Nacirema Club

The Nacirema Club (American spelled backwards) was located at 3949 Fourth Ave. So. in Minneapolis.  Tax records show that the building was built in 1934.

In an article in Minnesota History, Jackie Beckey reports that the club (sometimes called “The Nac”) opened in 1955.  It was used for hosting community meetings, Christmas parties, and fashion shows.  It was also a jazz venue – Stebbins reports that it was a jazz hotspot in 1964.

By 1967 it had 600 members, with A.B. Cassius as president.


Nacirema Club, 1975. Photo Minnesota Historical Society


1980 photo by Charles Chambliss courtesy Minnesota Historical Society


Photo by Charles Chambliss courtesy Minnesota Historical Society



As of 2018, the building was the El Bethel Baptist Church.