Twin Cities Music Highlights


The Gaslight was at 1420 Washington Ave. So. at Seven Corners, from at least 1960 to 1967.

William Bloedow writes:

Some memories of the Gaslight – from so many. Seven Corners glittered at night. The restaurant was in an old theatre (now the Southern) and only took up a portion of the space. The original stage and arch were in the back, used for storage. The business was owned by the Bonander family, with Lillian always at the door with a cigarette in hand – daughter Gloria and some Leonard with  often at her side. Many of my favorite evenings included noted chanteuse Auzie Dial at the piano in the bar. She could do a mean ‘Satin Doll!’ It was a popular spot for the dinner crowd after U of M football games.” An ad from 1967 says that Doc Evans played nightly, and the club had “authentic grand decor typical of the 1890 era.

gaslightad    gaslightagain
