Front Page
The Front Page Restaurant and Lounge was located at 417 So. 6th Street in downtown Minneapolis. It opened in January 1965.
Owners were Victor Levine and Daniel La Barre. (or Daniel LaBarre and Ken Light) and run by LaBarre and Fran Davies of the old Five O’clock Club.
In June 1966 the bar was bankrupt, but the bar was sold to David Y. Morris, former part owner of the Chalet in Crystal. Morris was Secretary/Treasurer of Teamsters Union Local 320.
October 1966: “Biggest Piano Bar in Town,” featuring Ginny Charland, who could play “Ella to Elvis.”
1969: Jack Seel and Dick Macko.
1970: Entertainment nightly to please all ages.
It burned (down?) in a four-alarm blaze on April 26, 1973. It took 70 firemen and 19 fire rigs to fight the fire, and an adjoining hotel had to be evacuated. Flames more than 100 feet high burst through the roof. Morris owned the building, and the paper reported that he was in the process of selling it.
Mural inside Front Page bar, 1970. Photo MHS