Twin Cities Music Highlights

Fire Barn

The Fire Barn was on 38th St. just west of Minnehaha Ave.  [38th and Snelling?] in Minneapolis. Billy Hallquist told this story:

Winter of ’65/’66. Bitter cold. The Transgressors are playing at The Fire Barn. One of the evening’s highlights will be our debut performance of “Play with Fire” by the Rolling Stones. Al Sterner is going to go beyond his rhythm guitar duties and play the song’s introduction. He looks forward to bathing in the spotlight that all of us “lead” guitarists experience every gig. We inform Al that his moment will lead off the second set. We all stand back allowing Al to stand front and center. Al turns up his Fender Jazzmaster to maximum volume and history is made. Oops. Did I forget to mention that while we were on break, Leon, Bob or I had secretly turned the tuning pegs on his guitar in random and opposing directions. Al, being quite nervous about his moment in the sun, plays practically the entire intro before realizing something is dreadfully wrong.