Twin Cities Music Highlights

Coliseum – Minneapolis

2708 E. Lake Street


The Coliseum Ballroom was located in the (Lake Street) Coliseum Building at 2708 E. Lake Street.

The 70,000-square-foot, five-story Art Deco building was built in 1917 as Freeman’s Department Store.

It had a huge ballroom with high ceilings on the second floor; ads can be found for dances back to at least 1922.

1920 Photo courtesy Minnesota Historical Society


1920 Photo courtesy Minnesota Historical Society


In 1967 it had Old Time Dancing.

In 1968 it was age 28+ “Smooth Dancing.”

The large building held many businesses, such as Podany’s Office Furniture, and doctors’ and dentists’ offices.

It also served as rehearsal space for music groups.





