Boulevard Dance Hall
1929 North Rice Street
St. Paul
This dance hall at 1929 North Rice Street in St. Paul saw some action over the years:
Rosemary Ruffenach writes:
Family stories have my great uncle Ted (Theodore) Laber (1905-1982) and his sister Martha Laber operating a dance hall out of the building, likely sometime in the 1930s. I’m told that the land behind the dance hall was used as a dump for many years. Wrecked cars would just be rolled into the muck and would soon sink. Later on, Ted only allowed construction materials to be dumped, due to the smell arising from the brew. I am attaching a family photo from Ted’s collection. If you use it, please credit him and me. Thanks.
The Labers managed the establishment at 1986 Rice (Dean’s grocery, tavern and Red Crown gas pumps) until the mid 1930s. (The Dean’s establishment continues to exist, now as McCarrons Bar and Grill.) By 1938, the Labers had their own establishment at 1730 N. Rice, also a grocery store, tavern and Texaco station. In the 1980s the land was sold for the strip mall at Rice and Larpenteur. Subsequently, Laber’s Liquors continued to exist at that location, but the family no longer had a connection. In 2007, it was sold to Merwin Liquors, but the original name was maintained.)
Curtis’s Place? Cortls’ Place?
In September 1955 it went under new management and became Club Reservoir, featuring entertainment Fridays through Sundays.