Twin Cities Music Highlights

Sandy’s Tavern

Sandy’s Tavern is located at 6612 Penn Ave. So. in Richfield.

Sandy’s Tavern’s website says that it was established in 1933, which was right after Prohibition.

According to the county’s tax website, the building was built in 1934.

In March 1934, an ad was run, selling furniture from a large home from that address.


An item dated January 8, 1937, said that the newly-formed Rural Hennepin Tavern Association would meet at the Penn Ave. Inn at this address.


This early ad indicates that it was next Chapman’s Tavern.  Harry Chapman was the operator on September 17, 1937, and it was Chapman’s Tavern on December 31, 1939.  Music by Chapman’s Gloom Chasers!

Ad courtesy Richfield Historical Society, via Terry Ahlstrom

Not sure if this is the right one, but there is a Harry Chapman who lived at 66th and Oliver Ave. So. who died in September 1940.


Sandy was A.B. “Sandy” Crans, who operated the tavern from 1941 to 1948 (presumed) – he died in August 1948.

Image from Sandy’s website

Sandy’s advertised dancing every Saturday night in 1944.

Ads for help can be found from 1953.

Sandy’s closed in September 2019 in order for manager Matty O’Reilly to make some cosmetic improvements to the 80 year old burger bar, reported Sharyn Jackson of the Minneapolis Star Tribune.  It reopened at the end of November 2019, now taking credit cards.  (December 5, 2019)

Photo from Sandy’s website