Danceland – Midway
1515 W. University Ave.
St. Paul
This Danceland was located at 1515 W. University Ave. in the Midway district of St. Paul. Blink and you would have missed it.
A search for the address shows that the building was the Midway Service Garage, owned by Robert K. Vitrud, in 1922/1923.
In 1929 it was the home of the Anderson Motor Company, selling cars.
A want ad-type entry announced the Grand Opening of Dance-Land on March 8, 1940, with music by Slim Jim and the Jolly Millers. On March 10, 1940, Sev Olson and His NBC Orchestra were slated to provide the entertainment.
A curious gap, and then another opening on September 14, 1940, this time with a bigger ad. Ads were more or less continuous until the last one on March 26, 1941. Alas, a dance hall in a car lot failed to draw the dancers.
The building reverted to cars; a June 25, 1941, ad shows that it became a Pontiac dealer. But that ad gives us a picture of the building, at least.