311 Club
- The 311 Club was located at 311 West Broadway in Minneapolis.
- It was a 3.2 bar that featured Country music.
- The building dated back to 1887. In 1912, 311 was a saloon.
- In 1941 the operator of the bar was Andrew Folta.
- It appears from permit records that it became a bar in about 1948.
- Sherwin Linton and the Fender Benders played there in 1959.
- The Blue Water Boys performed in January 1961.
- In March 1963, the operator of the tavern was identified as Mrs. Judith Collins.
- In September 1963 the bar was for sale.
- In December 1964, the City’s liquor committee threatened to revoke Richard C. Nelson’s 3.2 license because he failed to reveal the true ownership of the bar.
- A permit to demolish the building was taken out on May 12, 1971.
- The dimensions of the building were given as 75 x 75 x 26 (2). Two buildings?