St. Louis Park’s Jeanne Andersen Home Page St. Louis Park information about the history of suburban west Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Brookside Timeline

The Brookside Timeline is a chronology of events in the history of my neighborhood in the City of St. Louis Park, Minnesota.

Also see these additional chapters:
  1. Automotive Milestones
  2. Excelsior Boulevard: Brookside’s Main Street
  3. Excelsior Boulevard: Gasoline Alley
  4. Fires and Firefighting
  5. Grain Elevators
  6. Highway 100
  7. Highway 100 Roadside Parks
  8. Jewish Migration to St. Louis Park
  9. Mass Transit Highlights
  10. Newspaper Highlights
  11. Miss St. Louis Park
  12. The Pest House and Contagious Disesases
  13. Police and Crime
  14. Post Office Milestones
  15. Sand and Gravel Businesses
  16. Schools
  17. TV and Radio Milestones
  18. Twin Cities Music Highlights (featuring SLP Bands)
  19. Utilities, Plumbing, and Garbage
  20. Village Council Presidents and Mayors

These files are in “pdf” format and you may need to install Acrobat Reader on your computer to visit them. The main Brookside Timeline is very large and may take time to download. Click here to download this free software.
