Twin Cities Music Highlights

The Trip: 1967

The movie “The Trip” opened at four drive-ins around town on July 26, and Peter Fonda was making the publicity rounds.  In an interview with Will Jones, Fonda revealed that Roger Corman made the first seven reels but ran off to Europe to avoid paying taxes, so Fonda and his friends finished it.  The film is about a director of TV commercials who takes LSD and the latter part of the picture records his experiences.  “It’s the psychedelic climax that Fonda concentrated on, writing the music, urging the film editor to insert one- and two-frame flashbacks and flashforwards, and even shooting some extra scenes on the Sunset Strip after Corman had departed.  Fonda said he didn’t take LSD during the making of the picture, but had had enough previous experience with it to know what it’s about.”  Unfortunately, “It’s a Bikini World,” that opus starring my cousin Denny Craswell (and the rest of the Castaways), was only  billed as the “Action Packed Second Feature!!”