Twin Cities Music Highlights

Teensters! Here is what’s next in YOUR Music: 1967

December 1, 1967, Minneapolis Auditorium:  “Teensters!  Here is what’s next in YOUR Music:  hear a dynamic new dimension in sound:  BILL PAGE and the world’s first All Ampliphonic Orchestra.  In Person – in Live Stereo!  Hear the ‘Sounds of the Sonic Sixties’ … conducted by Bill Page, for many years featured soloist with Lawrence Welk, and numerous Hollywood TV shows.  For the first time, a complete orchestra – all electronically enhanced!  See a big Hollywood production using exciting film backgrounds on rear-screen projection, featuring top TV and radio Vocalists!”  Participants were:

  • Emcee Mel Jass
  • Burt Hanson – Vocalist on WCCO radio, Arthur Godfrey Show and Don McNeil Breakfast Club
  • Dorothy Harpell – Vocalist and star of her own Canadian radio and TV shows
  • Scott Page – Bill’s 15 year-old son and trumpet virtuoso; appeared on Lawrence Welk Show at age 8.