Twin Cities Music Highlights

Teenagers Underground Music Society: 1963

WTCN’s 1963 Annual Report published an article from Variety that said that some of the radio station’s “elder rock ‘n’ roll stamper outer staffers” had formed the “Teenagers Underground Music Society,” with a membership of 2,000.  The station

avowedly largely confines its programming to only “the sound of beautiful music,” which means the higher quality melodies, and the Society in line with a current campaign to bring youngsters into its listeners’ fold.

In order to join the Society “underground movement” the teenager is required to sign a pledge not to mention Chubby Checker in young children’s presence, to slip “Sheherazade” on the turntable at any Twist party when they shouldn’t be, but happen to be present, and to register complete disgust at any Elvis Presley mention (boooo), etc.

Called “music jungle fighters,” members are enlisted in such “underground units” as the “Beethoven Brigade,” “Bach Battalion,” “Dvorak Division,” and “Puccini Patrol.”

The Chad Mitchell Trio appeared at the Minneapolis Auditorium Concert Bowl on May 17, 1963.  Franklin Hobbs of WCCO radio was the emcee.  The concert was promoted by William A. Meyer, a U. of M. student.