Twin Cities Music Highlights

T.C. Atlantic: 1967

Rod Eaton of T.C. Atlantic, as posted on Facebook:

In January, 1967 T. C. Atlantic recorded a live album at the Bel-Rae Ballroom. “Arv” Arvidson dragged Dove Recording Studios’ 4-track Ampex recorder and a bunch of microphones to the ballroom for the session. That’s me leaning over the recorder to talk to Arv. Drums were recorded on one track, the other instruments on another. Vocals were placed on the third track, and crowd noise on the fourth. It really didn’t matter all that much, though, since everything bled together. The band didn’t have anyone mixing vocal levels in those days – that came a bit later for local bands. We were used to balancing our voices as we played – by listening to one another – and that’s the way things were laid down that night. With the cooperation of the Bel-Rae folks we set up early and did some sound checks. But most of that work went out the window as the night progressed and we turned up our amps. Listening to the album today, you hear all the technical imperfections and musical rough edges. But there’s energy and excitement in the performance and the crowd reaction is constantly supportive. I think there are a few songs that sound good. Fifty years later, I’m pretty proud of that band.