Twin Cities Music Highlights

St. Louis Park Rockers: 1964

“Drums, Guitars Resound as Parkites Go Musical,” read the headline of an article in the St. Louis Park High School Echo on March 4, 1964.  Several groups were featured, including:

  • The Chancellors, formerly the Continentals, have in their group John Hughes, junior, on drums and Dave Rivkin, sophomore, on guitar.  “We enjoy our work,” John declares.  They have been together about eight months.
  • The Treblemen include Randy Resnick on guitar and Mike Mock, juniors, on drums.  “We would like to make good like the Trashmen and see the Beatles to go grass,” says Mike.  [What does that mean?]  “The combined power of the amplifiers of our group,” says Randy, “is in the neighborhood of 150 watts, while the average table radio runs about a watt.  This is true of most bands of this sort.”
  • Another rock-and-roll group is the Lords, for which Dave Fisch, senior, provides the drum accompaniment.  In contrast to most groups, the Lords also have a tenor saxophone.
  • Barry London, senior, is a member of a group that plays a type of music many Parkites may not be completely familiar with.  His group is called the London Jazz Trio, and consists of a guitar, drums and Barry on piano.  “We try to take a standard popular song and improvise from it, always coming back to the original melody,” Barry states.
  • The field of folk music also has its devotees at Park.  Don Feinberg, junior, and Ian Swatez, junior, are members of the Fireside Singers.  They have been together since last summer and recently performed at Snow Day at Camp Iduhapi.
  • Another folk group is the Voyageurs Three, a group that includes Gary Gears, senior.  Gary and the group performed at Park’s Varsity Show last fall.



“Representing the many musical groups at Park are juniors Randy Resnick and Ian Swatez, who are engaged in an informal ‘surfenanny.’  Junior Fred Anderson is teaching them his Kingston Trio arrangement of ‘Drag City.’”