Twin Cities Music Highlights

Shawn Phillips: 1973


ORPHEUM THEATER:  April 10 and 11, 1973

Shawn Phillips played four shows over two nights on April 10 and 11, 1973, at the Orpheum Theater and all were sold out.

Photo courtesy Mike Evangelist


Photo courtesy Steve Klemz



ORPHEUM THEATER, November 5 and 6, 1973

Shawn Phillips returned to the Orpheum on November 5 and 6, 1973, with his band Quartermass.  In his review of November 7, Marshall Fine just couldn’t figure out why Phillips was so popular here in the Twin Cities – “His four albums have all sold well here while making an unappreciable dent in the record business elsewhere.  Phillips has received more radio airplay in the Twin Cities than in any other market.”

Image courtesy Will Dunwiddie




In 1973 or ’74 Phillips performed at St. Louis Park High School. Phillips was born in Fort Worth, grew up all over the world, and some say had ties to Edina. Roni Broms Gingold remembers: “At the concert everyone would yell ‘Let down your hair’ and he would take the ponytail out.” Roni took the photo below at the concert.

Photo courtesy Roni Broms Gingold