Twin Cities Music Highlights

Royal Arcanum: 1944

The Royal Arcanum, at Lake Street and First Ave. So., hosted a series of dances, starting with the premier full dress appearance of King Larry (Lawrence) Griffin his Rhythmaires, billed as “one of two of the greatest associated bands in the Northwest.”  Also featured were local eccentric dancer Stanley Gardner, and vocalists Doris Escue, Ernestine Danforth, and Mary Lewis.  Managers C. Clifton Jackson and Bobby Marshall said that this truly great dance will “bring together at one time under one roof at least three of our own local talented youth, positively on their way up to big time, as well as the two greatest musical organizations in this section.”  Track star Jesse Owens was appearing in Minneapolis the same week, and was invited to attend the dance.  400 people jammed the hall to enjoy the show.  Follow-up shows were given on September 4 and 9.