Twin Cities Music Highlights

Performances: 1921

A male trio “will sing every day at Gopher Gunners’ Carnival,” advertised the Minneapolis Morning Tribune in March 6, 1921.  “Every conceivable brand of music will be offered in the Gopher Gunners’ carnival all next week, according to Dr. Arthur E. Allen, director.  Among these will be a trio presenting songs hot off the music press and sung probably for the first time in Minneapolis.  The trio included Ronald Jonson, Arthur White and Harry Kessell.


“Yes, Blossom’s Here Again!” crowed the Minneapolis Morning Tribune on March 6, 1921.  That’s Blossom Seeley, appearing at the Orpheum in “Miss Syncopation.”  Assisting her were Bennie Fields, Sam Miller and Harry Stover.


The Everett McClay Post of Eden Prairie gave a series of dances at Millers Hall in the fall of 1921.  These locations were never identified – guess everyone knew where Millers Hall was.