Twin Cities Music Highlights

Peacerock Festival: 1971

A rock festival was planned near Hibbing for May 14-16 [28-31], 1971, organized by one John Grimes.  The April 17, 1971, issue of Hundred Flowers reported that the actual location would not be disclosed until the date came closer, for fear of an injunction.  Plans called for 25 local and three national bands.  Security was a big issue; Grimes planned on having 150 security guards on horseback and 500 volunteers from Karate and self defense clubs to keep anyone from hurting anyone else.

The next issue reported that St. Louis County had issued an injunction against the festival and arrested Grimes for selling tickets in advance.  The location was identified as the 600-acre Nels Rude Farm, 20 miles west of Cook and 20 miles north of Hibbing.  So far Thundertree and some bands from North Dakota had signed on.  Hundred Flowers expressed an objection to the festival because it appeared to be a money-making endeavor on the part of Grimes.

On May 21 it was reported that the festival had been moved to Woodstock, Minnesota, and that Alice Cooper and the Stooges had been signed.  By now Hundred Flowers was convinced that Grimes was a “rip-off artist” and urged readers not to buy tickets.

No indications that this festival ever happened.