Twin Cities Music Highlights

Mr. Lucky’s: 1964

August 28, 29, and 30, 1964,  were big nights at Mr. Lucky’s:

  • On Friday, August 28, there was a Battle of the Bands between the Chancellors and the Renegades.  (“If it’s a Rich Dance it’s the Finest”)
  • Saturday night featured a dance with the Chancellors
  • Sunday was Mr. Lucky’s First Annual Scholarship Dance featuring “The Stompin’ Underbeats,” “The Accents,” and “The Chancellors.”  Proceeds from the dance will provide two Mr. Lucky’s Scholarships for deserving freshmen students at the University of Minnesota.  Recipients will be selected by the University Scholarship Committee.  Services were donated by the bands, Pepsi Cola, KDWB, Mr. Lucky’s Club, and Rich Enterprises.