Love-Ins at Loring Park: 1967
It was the Summer of Love, and Minneapolis joined in with a series of Love-Ins in Loring Park.
JUNE 18, 1967
The first one was on Sunday, June 18, 1967, at 2:00 pm. It was sponsored by Psychedelia, Subterranean Productions, and KDWB – DJ Sam Sherwood was listed on the poster, which may mean he made an appearance. The poster was designed by local artist Joaquin (Lawrence Hudek), a partner who ran the Psychedelia head shop.
The bands were:
- The Unholy Alliance
- The Litter
- Maurice (Jacox?)
- The Great Western Exhibit
- The Spectrum

JULY 23, 1967
200 people gathered for a Love-In in Loring Park on July 23, 1967. The four-hour event was organized by the Free Music Society.
Music was provided by:
- The Family
- Jokers Wild
- The Weeds. Any former Weeds out there?

It was at this or another 1967 Love-In that Blue Sandalwood Soap performed “Friends I Haven’t Met Yet.” Here is a performance of that song. Dan Knutson with Harley Toberman, Steve Luck and Dave Bergsland play while various people grab the 8mm camera and trip out. The song was featured on the show “Mad Men,” Season 6 in April 2013.

More on Blue Sandalwood Soap: They recorded a demo for the ad agency that had Northwest Orient as a client. As Harley Toberman explains, “They didn’t like it – too “hippie” 🙂 We just did it for fun. Recorded in a little studio in St. Paul with Dan Knutson Singing/guitar, Harley Toberman on Farfisia, Steve Luck on Bass, and Cyril Paul on Bongos. This song and 17 others can be found on the LORING PARK LOVE INS by Blue Sandalwood Soap CD, downloadable on and iTunes.” (I got mine on discogs.)
OCTOBER 1, 1967
The only other hit I got for “Love-In” came on October 1, 1967. There were two that day:
One was at Powderhorn Park, where people were shown playing with an open parachute.
The other was a “hippie art show” in the parking lot of the Fourth Northwestern National Bank, 401 Riverside Ave.