Twin Cities Music Highlights

Hootenanny For Dancers: 1963

From the St. Louis Park Echo, September 1963:

Hootenanny For Dancers

What is a hootenanny?  The dictionary’s slang definition is “a meeting of folk singers, especially for public entertainment.”

On September 14, St. Louis Park’s first hootenanny was presented by the Parkettes to raise funds for their planned tour of Europe next summer.

The almost four-hour festival provided entertainment for everyone who paid his $1.50.  There was a wide range of folk music as well as the dancing of the Parkettes.

The show was opened with the Parkettes dancing, followed by the master of ceremonies, Hal Murray of radio station KDWB.  The Contemporary Folk Group was the first of the folk singers, followed by The Countrymen.

Maury Bernstein was next, playing his accordion and telling jokes.  The Flinthill Singers from Washburn High then entertained with the Goldbriers following.  After the intermission, The Bondsmen, Jeff Espina, The Blues Stompers and Gary Holmberg entertained.