Twin Cities Music Highlights

Great U of M Panty Raid: 1952

his may have a tenuous connection to music, but I’ll bet these crazy kids liked their tunes.  On Monday night, May 20, 1952… well, let’s let the Jean Worrall of the Minnesota Daily tell it:

Minnesota men staged a “panty raid” last night and were met with tear gas, police and cries of “chicken.”

Minneapolis and campus policemen dealt out the tear gas and arrests.  And Comstock coeds furnished the cries of “chicken” as about 300 men – mostly from Pioneer and Centennial halls – milled outside the locked doors of Comstock.

The raid began about 8 p.m. when Pioneer and Centennial residents gathered outside their dormitories and began making their way toward Comstock.

Before the raid was over, they also had visited Sanford and Powell halls and Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Phi and Chi Omega sorority houses.  Coeds retaliated by storming Pioneer and Centennial.  More than 1,000 students were involved or “just watching” by the time the raiding ended about midnight.

First news of the raid began circulating yesterday afternoon.  By dinner time counselors in the women’s dormitories had been instructed to go from door to door on each floor to warn coeds that “a lingerie raid was imminent” and that doors should be locked.  …




Apparently this was the first of such panty raids on campus, following a trend that had erupted around the country.  The Administration was furious, bound and determined to punish the ringleaders, but with so many involved, it is doubtful that anyone was kicked out.  Except maybe for that guy above holding the goods….