Twin Cities Music Highlights

Grand Exposition and Style Show: 1923

On December 10-11, 1923, the St. Paul Negro Business League sponsored the Second Grand Exposition and Style Show at the St. Paul Auditorium.  Monday was Minneapolis Night and Tuesday was St. Paul Night.  Special features included:

  • Vaudeville Dancing
  • Speaking by Governor J.A.O. Preus and St. Paul Mayor Arthur E. Nelson
  • Popularity Contest (very common in the black community back then)
  • Style Revue
  • Band Concert
  • Dancing all Evening

The Program included music by Moore’s Concert Orchestra and the Capital City Colored Chorus.  Dance music was provided by Moore’s Town Talk Band.  In the ad we get a list of musicians in Moore’s band:

Violins:  William Wise, Jack Austin, Herbert Patterson, Governor Cook

Cornets:  Winslow Allen, Todd Williams, Red Bunk, Peter Robinson

Saxophones:  Thomas Roulette (also Assistant Director), Theodore Burks, Robert Singer

Piano:  Earl Cason

Drums:  George Lee

Bass:  William Carter

Trombone:  Fred Baker

Librarian:  Ernest Parker

Director:  J.W. Moore