Twin Cities Music Highlights

Events: 1958

KRSI radio debuted in June 1958, but it promised “no long commercials, soap operas, kiddie shows, rock ‘n’ roll, ‘top 40,’ or ‘over-enthusiastic’ disk jockeys,” reported the St. Louis Park High Echo.


In the fall of 1958, Pastime Arena manager Larry Tobin came before the St. Louis Park City Council to request permission to hold a public dance at the Arena on October 3 from 10-11:30. Only Councilman Jorvig voted nay. Subsequent dances were approved as well, including the Twin City Teen-Dance held New Year’s Eve and advertised in the St. Louis Park Echo newspaper.  The Pastime became the Roller Garden, still there today.


Louis Armstrong appeared at the St. Paul Auditorium Theater Section on October 26, 1958.