Dave Clark Five: 1964
The Dave Clark Five Came to the Minneapolis Armory on November 17, 1964. Kevin Odegard says that they “rocked the rafters. Best sound and (black)light show ever (their own)… They were a monstrous, huge live act. One of the three best shows I ever saw. Two more happened in rapid succession the next year with the Yardbirds (Page on bass, Beck on lead) at Dayton’s 8th floor auditorium and the lads from Liverpool at Metropolitan Stadium. Nothing before or since ever came close to those shows.” [The Yardbirds were at Dayton’s on August 5, 1966.] On December 12, 1964, Billboard Magazine reported that the group grossed $10,000 but concert promoter Ray “Big Reggie” Colihan lost $4,000; he had paid $25,000 for two shows, one in Des Moines. Gregory Dee and the Avanties were remembered as the opening act.
Rod Eaton of the Underbeats remembers:
Ray “Big Reggie” Colihan famously brought the Rolling Stones to his Danceland and the Beatles to Met Stadium in Bloomington. He’s less remembered for bringing the Dave Clark Five to the Minneapolis Armory. They were riding their hit “Glad All Over.” As with the Stones and Beatles, Ray claimed he lost money on the Dave Clark Five. Following the concert, Ray attended a birthday party. The Accents, Avanties, and Underbeats all played at the concert and all attended the party. Forty-percent of the Five also showed up. Pat and I ended up giving one of them a ride back to their hotel around 2 AM. I don’t recall which one, but I didn’t really know any of their names. I do remember he was friendly and polite. In fact, both of the Brits behaved themselves with us Yanks at the party. But we did have them outnumbered.