Twin Cities Music Highlights

Boston Symphony Orchestra: 1890

From the Minneapolis Tribune, February 17, 1935:

The grandest musical event in the history of Minneapolis to that date occurred when Arthur Nikisch came in May [12], 1890, with the Boston Symphony Orchestra.  The concert was given in the University coliseum, and to take care of the crowds the railroads had trains stop at the University station, and street car and horse car service was amplified.  There were a few drawbacks to the occasion.  The acoustics of the building were peculiar, the electric lights hissed throughout the evening, the orchestra had had no rehearsal in the auditorium and the manager had seen fit to lighten the quality of the program, doubtless feeling that it might be above the comprehension of the audience.  But everyone marveled at Nikisch’s conducting and was pleased to know that the American musical public had transcended his most favorable anticipation of it.