Many of us in the Twin Cities and throughout the State are working on similar projects to preserve our musical history.  There is a need to coordinate these efforts, establish a virtual and physical space to collect, preserve, and display artifacts and information, conduct interviews, and perhaps showcase performances and reunion shows.  These are just preliminary thoughts on what it would take to make such a dream come true.







Establish Federal and State nonprofit status (Articles of Incorporation)

Coordinate development of Bylaws, including Mission Statement

Reach out to possible members of the Board of Directors

Call meetings

Apply for tax exempt status with companies (Office Max, Home Depot, etc.)

Establish web site:  links to other sites, coming events, MM History Center status and needs




Apply for grants, especially Minnesota Legacy grant

Seek corporate sponsors

Fundraising events




Determine space needs

Determine equipment needs:  file cabinets, flat files for posters, bookshelves, meeting/work table, chairs, computers, printer, display cases, office supplies

Scout building locations

Considerations:  security, fire protection, insurance, temperature/humidity control, utility costs







Collect Artifacts


Accept donations, issue thank you letters, and execute Gift Agreements

Preserve collection (grants through MAAC)

Display artifacts

Store artifacts in appropriate conditions







Instruments, equipment


Top 40s


Other files:

Concert reviews and programs

Venue ads

Radio station info and ads



Annual Concert/Hall of Fame

Support benefits by Twin Cities Music Community Trust (see end of page)

Special performances and events


Conduct Interviews (either separately or link to minniepaulmusic.com – 1955-1975)


Disk Jockeys

Studio owners, personnel


Concert promoters

Record company owners, personnel

Musician Resource Center


Provide musicians in need with information and referrals to sources of housing, health care




In-house presentations and demonstrations

Power point presentations to take to schools, etc.

Various presentations on different areas of state (Duluth, St. Cloud, Mankato, etc.)


Songwriting and musical instruction

Talks/performances/Q&As by artists, others


Souvenir Shop







Other merchandise


Listening Stations


Computers with headphones for people to choose and listen to local music, past and present




Shar Kanan:  “conduct and support scholarly research and publishing in the arts and humanities as it relates to the history of [Minnesota’s] musical forms”


Jeanne’s research:  (1947-1974)

National shows

Local events of note

Local music TV shows

Disk Jockeys – stations and dates

Local music record and CD compilations

Locally produced periodicals

Radio Stations

Inductees into the Mid-America Music Hall of Fame

Music Venues






General Local Web sites:

http://minniepaulmusic.com/  Tom Campbell and Denny Johnson

http://www.jeanneandersen.net/musichighlights.html   Jeanne Andersen

http://midwestmusic.org/index.html   Scott Geyen

http://thesurfboard.net/bobandthebeachcombers/mwrr.htm – Bob Burtis.

http://www.garagehangover.com/country/us/minnesota/  13 Minnesota bands

http://projectsoul.wordpress.com/about/  – Dale Burback [email protected]

http://www.slphistory.org/reecho/default.asp – Robb Henry’s blog

https://wp.carleton.edu/tcfolkrevival/  Twin Cities Folk Revival, 1958-1970; project of Melinda Russell, Professor of Music, Co-Chair, Music Department, Carleton College, One North College Street, Northfield, MN 55057   507 222 5642

http://secretstashrecords.com/about/ – Secret Stash Records

Radio airchecks:

http://radiotapes.com/  Tom Gavaras

http://www.twincitiesradioairchecks.com/  Rick Burnett

https://www.reelradio.com/   (Paid subscription only) – includes the Curt Lundgren collection, which you might be able to sneak into without having a subscription:  http://www.reelradio.com/cl/

National Web sites

http://www.440int.com/440sat.html   Disk Jockey database

Facebook Pages:

Twin Cities Music Scene 70s-80s (also expanded to 60s) – Rod Bell

Twin Cities Radio People (Past and Present) – Dave Dworkin

Museum of R&R History – Bob Burtis

Old Minneapolis – Jesse Jamison

Other states:



Non-rock ‘n’ roll web sites:

http://twincitiesfirstset.com/Musical_Memories.html  Rick Noren – 40’s big band in the Twin Cities

http://mnmusichalloffame.org/Home_Page.php  Mostly polka stuff, based in New Ulm


Billy Hallquist – performer, artist wrangler  (see http://psychedelicbaby.blogspot.com/2012/09/thundertree-interview-with-billy.html)

Doug Spartz – Mid-America Music Hall of Fame

Mike Jann

David Hersk – Gaity Records

Tom Tourville – author

Jim Oldsberg – author

Mike Barich – photographer

Mike Chase – record collector.  Mike travels across the state mainly on weekends and puts on a radio shows (mainly on the smaller radio stations) that features all Minnesota music from all eras. On the air he is know as Minnesota Mike.  [email protected]

Derik Olson – Derik is a local record collector who has been tracking down information on mainly local country 45’s from the 50’s and 60’s.  Derik says that Hep Records was also releasing local rock’n’roll 45’s in 1958 and 1959.  [email protected]

David (Anthony) Wachter

Charlie Campbell – Community News

Arne Fogel

Donald Jackson – wants Jazz Museum – per David Grabitske, MHS

Charles Lord – radio show “Mr. Lucky’s Revisited.”  763-218-9198.  [email protected]

JoJo Esko

David Cummings

Ron Thums

Pete Lee

Greg Carr – 78 collector, huge local Polka collection

Darrell Brand – Photographer

Marsh Edelstein – http://www.marshproductions.com/Home.html

Bill Carlson, Photographer

Jay Goetting – jazz

Dana Marver – Labor Temple

John Pratt

Larry Nelson – was working on a documentary in 2009

Fred Krohn (? Mentioned by Mike Barich)

Mike Waggoner – www.roadhouserocks.net  952.831.4104; Cell 612.865.8588

Jeff Lonto – Radio history

Richard Josie – MHS – Sibley House – per David Grabitske, MHS

Todd Mahon – Anoka Historical Society – per David Grabitske, MHS

Dan Spock – MHS Head of Exhibits – per David Grabitske, MHS

Lenny Tweetin – per David Grabitske, MHS

Derik Olson – collector friend of David Hersk

Dale Burback – collector

Gary Myers – Two books on Wisconsin music:  http://www.music-gem.com/index.html

Jackie Dubbe, daughter of Ken Dubbe

Art Resnick – per Randy Resnick

Warren Lester – per Randy Resnick (via Art Resnick)

Rick Shefchik – author, writing Everybody’s Heard About the Bird


Rick Beresford – High Spirits

Bob Coates – Zarathustra/Canoise

Tony Andreason – Trashmen

Danny Stevens

Lauren Siegel – High Spirits

David Rivkin – Chancellors, High Spirits, Stillroven

Jerry Cadwell – Marvelous Marauders

Bob Eveslage – Unbelievable Uglies

Owen Husney – High Spirits

Steve McLoone – Judd Group

Dan Holm – Chancellors

Bob Mikkelson – Sir Raleighs

Steve Nelson – Lost Childs, From Left to Right

Larry Wiegand – Rave-Ons, Crow, South 40

Ken Erwin – C.A. Quintet

Ron Butwin – Chancellors

Denny Craswell – Castaways, South 40, Crow

Lonnie Knight – Jokers Wild

Jerry Finch – Elektras

Rod Eaton

Jerry Lenz: Nickel Revolution

Denny Johnson: Joker’s Wild

Jim Johnson: Underbeats, Gypsy

Dennis Libby – www.dennislibby.com

Gregory LaLonde – The Four-Fifths, 1965-1967; Marcia and the Lynchmen, 1967-68; The Blues Cube 1968-70.

Jackie Hesse – female vocalist of early 1970s. much underrated – the best female vocalist I had chance to work with, a genuine emotive blues/rock singer, could also sing Carol King but make King tunes her own. (per Greg LaLonde)

Connie Olson – She started singing in the late 60s. today is accomplished pop/jazz vocalist.

Dave Forrey, of The Dave Mark Syndicate. he knows a lot, played the old Mpls bar circuit.

Bill Lubov. a lawyer, but played with and put together the original Dave Brady and the Stars.

Kent Saunders and I (Greg LaLonde) could sit down with you for an interview. Kent’s knowledge of local music history would be encyclopedic. A very successful and accomplished musician for nearly 50 years.  (Nickel Revolution, Jumbo)


Freeborn County Historical Society – Eddie Cochran

Martin County Historical Society – Interlaken Ballroom

400 Club:  http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2014/02/04/revamped-400-bar-to-reopen-at-moa/

Minnesota Music Hall of Fame, New Ulm:  http://mnmusichalloffame.org/Home_Page.php

Minnesota Blues Society:  http://www.gtcbms.org/

http://www.thetwincitiesurbanmusicawards.com/     The Twin Cities Urban Music Awards (TCUMA) is a Minnesota based awards show promoting, recognizing and acknowledging the artists and their impact on the Twin Cities music scene. TCUMA is currently 100% comprised of a voting system that allows everything to be determined by an online voting system.

Minnesota Music Coalition:  http://www.mnmusiccoalition.org/about_mmc/

The Twin Cities Music Community Trust was set up around 7 years ago by myself and Myles Kennedy, both long time First Ave employees who have also toured with various local/national acts. We saw a need for a bit of financial help to those in our line of work (stage/production crew) who were having troubles paying medical bills through accident or illness. As we knew a few bands and worked for a great music venue which would let us use their facilities we went to work and created some events to get some money raised.


We have been lucky enough over the past few years to financially help out various musicians and backstage workers in the area by putting on some fantastic benefit shows with the help of local bands and businesses who have given their talent and time to us as well as recently collecting donations through the First Ave website.


We do not have a Twin Cities Music Community Trust website at the moment as until recently we were very much under the radar but we are looking to change this and will have a web page soon which will be linked to the First Ave site.


James Baker, Promoter Rep/Production

First Avenue & 7th St Entry

Minneapolis MN

email: [email protected]

office: 612-338-8388

cell: 952-334-0862